A number of people in our church and community are living in the role of caregiver, the person who takes primary responsibility for meeting the needs of a person who cannot care for themselves. Some caregivers look after loved ones at home. Others make frequent visits to support a loved one in a care facility. The needs of the person may be physical, mental, emotional or all three. The circumstances of a caregiving relationship are unique, but all caregivers have something in common—they need guidance and support. They need a place to talk about the demanding role they are filling. They need the wisdom of other caregivers in how to cope with the many challenges of taking responsibility for a loved one’s life. They need a place to be heard and loved.
Beginning June 1, St. Andrews will offer an eight-week Caregiver’s Support Group. This group will be led by SABC member Rev. Lisa Dempsey. Lisa is an ordained minister, a trained chaplain, and a highly skilled critical care nurse. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to help caregivers care for themselves so they, in turn, can care for those they love. This group is for SABC members and friends in our community. You may call the church office (798-7325) to sign up.